So today I'm standing in line at Joann's
(you know, the fabric/craft store), waiting
to use a 50% off coupon with a jumbo gallon of
gesso. (Actually, I was somewhat pouting that
they still don't carry Shiva Paintsticks, but
that's beside the point.)
As always, I offered my extra coupon to the people
behind me, who happened to be a very nice couple,
and, it turns out, they were from Sedalia (MO),
which is where my best friend from college lives.
She's beautiful and brilliant! Really, just
look at her website. I'm amazed every time.
Then it's checkout time. The checkout lady says--
"What is that?"
And I very briefly explained the basics of gesso.
Then she says, I kid you not:
"I don't know nothin' about no art things."
Really, that struck me as more hilarious than it
probably should have, and I leaned in with a
conspiratorial whisper--"You probably shouldn't
say that too loudly, seeing how you work at
Joann's and all."
It was funny, but maybe you had to be there . . .
Now, just to top the day off right, with an extra
helping of "You gotta be kidding me," my cousin
e-mails me and says her son is (and she is NOT
happy about this, mind you)--
training to be a professional wrestler. As in,
spandex and choke holds and folding-chairs-upside-
the-head wrestler.
Not a joke.
But it sure is funny! (Sorry, cuz!)
If anyone can best that for today, please, by all
means, please enlighten me!