I've always wanted to try making one of these cute
paper shoes, and the Once In A Blue Moon recipe
challenge at Gingersnap Creations seemed the perfect
opportunity--three papers, three buttons, and three
words. The papers are Basic Grey, my favorite!
You know, you don't have to make your challenge pieces
go along with the general month's theme--this month is
"At the Mall"--but I always try to. Actually, there
isn't much trying, I generally really get into the themes!
As you read this, you can bet I won't be wearing any
crazy heels like these--the teen daughter and I should be
in Istanbul (seriously, Istanbul!), and wearing
significantly more substantial walking shoes! I'd love
for you to leave a comment, and will stop by for a visit
with you when we return--the 5th or so, depending on how
bad the jet lag is!