She's a little disgusted at being referred to as
a mere garden fairy, but she'll let it go this
time . . . she's holding a rolled up script of
"A Midsummer Night's Dream" in one hand and a
butterfly topped, bejeweled scepter in the other
to smack us upside the head and remind us of who
she REALLY is!
The collage images are
Altered Pages and my
daughter's hand--she's so funny. I said "Hey,
I need to take a picture of your hand."
All she said was, "Okay." Didn't ask why, no
comment, nothing. They're just used to me
and my strange requests by now!
What was really fun was toasting the chiffon
petals for the skirt. I've been trying new
techniques, and had been wanting to give that
one a go.
Anyway, this is the latest layout in my garden
book, and the Queen of the Fairies wants to
play in the
Gingersnap Creations Kings and
Queens challenge.
Can anyone tell me why my pics are so small?
I clicked the "large" in the upload images
section, and this is a pretty big image to
start with, but it's not even enlarging much
when you click on it. The "click-and-get-
bigger-trick" still works on pics in my other
posts . . . hmmmm.
Enlighten me, please!!

Okay, fine, I just couldn't quit messing with
it--cropped it down to this, and blogger seems
to think this a bit more acceptable. *sigh*
I am still open to enlightenment--all you have
to offer . . . let it shine, let it shine!
**** Update--Yes, yes, yes, I already freely admitted
that I really don't know what I'm doing--after the first
click-to-get-bigger-trick, you just have to click AGAIN!!
Good one . . . on me . . . again! ****