Saturday, January 13, 2007

Things I Found On My Floor

Here it is, the now infamous
weaving, done quite a bit back.
Yes, it is, indeed, comprised
entirely of
Things I Found On My Floor.
(Just be thankful that the
bathroom floor was excluded
from this foray into the
world of experimental "art.")

Seriously, with four children, a
husband, and numerous animals,
there was never a lack of material.
And I honestly limited myself to
things NOT on the art-room floor,
because that would have been, in
my opinion, somewhat cheating.

People suffering from allergies to
dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits, corn,
or peanuts are advised to NOT
handle this, ehem, work of art. :)

1 comment:

BumbleVee said...

Okay this is hilarous...and, pretty nice looking too as it happens....

I'm snooping around looking for some needle felting...where is it? .... what'd you make? ...guess I'll continue to snoop....
