It's pretty common knowledge amongst my friends,
both real and imaginary, that I'm not really a
card maker. It's not that I don't like making
cards, it's just that, when trying to make a
card, my brain rebels, freezes up, cuts off the
blood flow to anything remotely resembling
creative, and the results are (ahem) less than
Unless I'm at
Rhonda's, and she's very patiently
explaining what to do next, I pretty much avoid
the whole card thing.
But last year (seriously, it was a long time ago),
I made a card for a challenge. It looked pretty
good, for me, I thought, so I stuck it on the art
room wall.

See? Not so bad, right?
Then another friend told me about a
magazine where she routinely submits her cards for
publication, and I figured, "Why not?"

You can even see the corner of my card
on the cover pic! And in the inside, on
the flyleaf, AND in the Thank You card section.
I'd never seen an issue of Just Cards before--
it's got a good variety of styles.
Anyway, I thought the whole thing was pretty
funny, and a nice surprise.
(Julie, don't even pretend you aren't reading
this--D and Karen are in here, too. How funny
is that??)