Here he is, the chicken who would be a person.
Raised in a house by a well-meaning foster family,
this fine bird had a difficult time adjusting to
country living. (Face it, Kathleen, you warped him
for life!) He has repented of his unnatural interest
in inanimate objects, such as water guns, garden tools,
etc., and decided that life among the henny penny
is alright. He's quite handsome and friendly--never
once had to meet the business end of my work boot
or broom.
However, he remains somewhat taken aback at the
notion of living in a barn.
Zoltar still comes to the back door, and walks right
in if it's open. If not, he knocks. Loudly.
I'm not even joking.
Anyway, the art room is rearranged, and essentially clean.
This is a fantastic feat, believe you me. Found some really
nice stuff, too--it was kind of like Christmas.
Number 2 son said (after helping me move tables and such):
"I'm pretty sure dad doesn't know you have all this
stuff. If he did, surely he'd make you get rid of
it." This boy is a smarty pants.
And puh-leaze. Not only does dh KNOW, he paid for it,
and smiled all the while.
And too much??? That would be like telling
Tipper she's too country.
Rhonda that she has too many stamps.
Lola that she has too much fabric.
Or the
Contessa that she has too much, umm, wait,
she probably does have too much!! ;)
I'm pretty disgusted with the world in general right now.
War, plague, famine, pestilence--you know, the usual. Add
dial-up to the list, and my angst is complete.
Feeling very Ecclesiastes.
Or Marvin the robot, if you know what I mean.