This was a wonderful week. Very busy, but great all the same.
Monday, the husband and I spent the day NOT doing the usual
errands, but having a nice lunch and exploring some new thrift
shops and such.
Tuesday was the usual school things, but no violin, so spent
the day wrestling with the Prom Dress That Tried to Take Over
My Life, but then had the welcome respite of reading for two
hours straight while #2 was fencing.
Wednesday, spent a delightful afternoon visiting with Julie
(of the Wolves) from Alaska, and her husband and friends.
She really has the most interesting friends, I love to just
sit and listen to everybody. She looked wonderful, and it
was so good to see her again!
Thursday I got together with a few friends and we scrapbooked.
A little art therapy all around.
Friday was an all-day affair of this and that. It left me
feeling weary, but accomplished. And my stampin' up order
Rhonda came in. AND THEN, I finally checked
my e-mail, and found that I'd won a piece of artwork from
Tipper. The thing is, I wasn't trying to
win anything, I just like her blog! So hooray for me, and
go take a peek at the angel that is coming my way.
Oh, and today, I'm cleaning house, but it's so GREAT TO BE
HOME! It's actually fun. That's right, fun. Vacuuming,
dusting, laundry, it's all good! :) :) :) happy at home!
(And thank you
Lola for the prom bag suggestions, I appreciate it!)