Oh my gosh, I "opened" my new e-issue of
Arts magazine--totally forgot about the teeny tiny
triptychs I had submitted for publication!
(Pardon me while I do a little happy dance. And
be thankful you can't see me--my dancing is somewhat,
ahem, well, not good.)
Made these for a kit at
Altered Pages in mind,
but was so pleased with the way they turned out,
submitted them at
Altered Arts instead.
After they were accepted (thank you,
Altered Arts!),
I made a new one for the Everything Inchies Kit
Altered Pages. It's not available at this time,
but if you're interested, I'll just bet if you ask
Jackie real sweet like, she'll fix you up.

Inchies is one of the challenges right now
Gingersnap Creations--I'm hoping to have
a little time tomorrow to make a few, or maybe
incorporate the ones I have into a new project.
Maybe another teeny tiny triptych? If YOU make
one, comment me the link--I'd love to see!!
Happy Weekend, everyone!
Just a little update--Lucy asked if these were
an actual inch, but they are a bit of a cheat,
as the arch extends about 1/2 inch above the