Upon the completion of a Civil War dvd,
with the new WWI dvd in hand:
"Wanna go ahead and watch WWI? I hear
it's pretty good. Good enough they made
a sequel. Supposedly, they're working on
making it a trilogy."

Two children:
"I love horses."
"Yeah, and unicorns. But there are no
unicorns, because they cut their horns
off when they're babies."
(Please imagine the horror in the girl child's
voice) "You can't cut off a unicorn's horn!"
"Yes, you can, with a saw."
"NO, you can't. If you cut off a unicorn's
horn, it kills them, you dummyhead!"
What's that? Why, yes, yes, we do indeed homeschool.
Kids really DO say the darndest things, even when
they're teenagers. Maybe ESPECIALLY when
they're teens!
Here is a G inchy:

G is for Girl
I have a G is for Giraffe, too, but no pic yet.
See more abc inchies at Fiona's.