My new kit came from Altered Pages, and I couldn't wait to dive into all the wonderful papers and ephemera and collage images and ribbons and--okay, you get the idea!
Here's the cover of the mini album I started. It had a great collage image in it, but then I started thinking, one of my own pics would look pretty good in that frame. The photo is of my Granny and her beau, taken when she was 17, in 1926. Not to mention, this fit in nicely with the "In The Past" challenge at The Scrapbook Get Away. So, now there are two projects to finish--an altered art style collage album, and a mini photo album for my auntie.
Do you see her Mary Pickford curls? Very stylish. And showing a little leg there, too!
Are you enjoying your trip so far? If you just hopped on the magic carpet ride with me, wow, be sure you click the One World One Heart link at the side for an amazing, blog-hopping journey!
I am offering four giveaways, two handmade, and one a kit for you to make something of yourself, and finally, a gifty card!
Here is a lovely little spring bag (are YOU ready for spring?)
Next is an adorable child's apron: This was made by Shelby at her Sweet and Cozy etsy shop. The strawberry fabric is delicious!
And, from JeJe products, a Jewelly kit: What will you make with this?
Finally, a "gift card" for $10.00 to Altered Pages, for use on anything you might like to try!
So there will be four recipients, each selected at random from the comments left here. One comment per person/active blog, and please leave your e-mail address so I can contact you!
First, thank you all for your kind words--this is truly one of my favorite projects ever!
Second, it was so easy to make (aside from collecting all the inchies), that I don't know if this can honestly count as a tutorial:
The box used had an existing lip around the top, so I first positioned the inchies, then adhered each row using Super Tacky Glue. After the glue dried, I went around the edges of each inchie with Crystal Effects (pretty much the same as Diamond Glaze), adding micro beads in areas.
Most of the inchies were already embossed, so I haven't sealed the entire top with anything yet, but it would probably be a good idea to do so.
If you make an Inchie Treasure Box, please leave me a link--I'd love to see it!
One of the first swaps I ever did years ago was for inchies. Ever since then, I've kept them like tiny treasures in a football card box. You know me, right? The Baseball Card Store wife. Anyway, I'd been thinking about doing this for a long time, but finally did it for a challenge--what do you think of these little gems?
Fan, from the word fanatic-- Main Entry: fa·nat·ic Pronunciation: \fə-ˈna-tik\ Variant(s): or fa·nat·i·cal \-ti-kəl\ Function: adjective Etymology: Latin fanaticus inspired by a deity, frenzied, from fanum temple — more at feast Date: 1550 : marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion
Friday and Saturday, we spent 24 hours at the Kansas City Royals FanFest.
Not so much in the spirit of the game, you understand, as in the spirit of good, old fashioned entrepreneurship. (The Baseball Card Store, serving Kansas City collectors since 1988.)
Anyway, there were people there who waited in long, snaking lines for autographs; five and one half hours of wait by one of our customers.
People of the world, there is no one alive for whom I would wait five hours to have their name on a piece of paper. Maybe if it were for their signature on a check for a hefty sum of money, but not, nay nay, for just an autograph.
In my much younger years, I did wait in a few substantially shorter autograph lines, but that was for Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio. You know--Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio, two of the all time greatest players in the history of baseball? Those guys.
Who (alive) would you wait in line five hours for?
Well, more or less, anyway. We deposited the eldest son into his new, not-so-swanky digs Sunday. A dorm room will always be a dorm room, but especially so when it's occupied by four young men, yes?
The stinkweed has yet to e-mail me, but we've been texting (YES, Rhonda and Kris, TEXTING) periodically.
He's already decided to change his meal plan--cafeteria food will always be cafeteria food . . .
Skinnies, or an altered art fan? Either way, they're kind of fun. Check out the hotties from days gone by--and they come bearing flowers, too! Like what you see, ladies? ;) You can find these fine fellows over at Altered Pages.
And now for something completely different.
You didn't believe me about the dog, did you?
Don't even ask about this one:
It is one of the mysterious pictures that occasionally appears on the camera. Since Christmas, the new sport around here is taking random shots with whoever's camera phone is lying about unattended, so Ralphie in the Wig fits right in . . . he actually looks quite fetching, don't you think?