Saturday, August 30, 2008

Apple Festival offerings, a little art therapy, and a surprise for somebody . . .

The Missouri Baptist Children's Home (who now also
operate the Special Care Homes, which is a group
living facility for adults with special needs) is
getting ready for its annual fund raiser, The Apple
Festival. The main draw/money maker is the quilt
auction, and there are always many AMAZING quilts,
but there's also an auction of craft items.

My offerings fall under the "unusual" category, which
my children find highly amusing.

First is the little handbag with a bit of rescued vintage
feedsack quilt, embellished with beading and text.

Here's the little quiltie pendant, complete with the carved vintage button
(as decided in an earlier post, thank you to all who voted).

And finally the faith bamboo tile
pendant, which was made a while back, but only
the one on the right, as the other was claimed by DD.

Creative Therapy's prompt this week was what inspires you.
I don't know about inspiring, but what gets me going is
a deadline. A little pressure. A little urgency. I'm not
a procrastinator, but there's something about that little
jolt of added adreneline that really gets things jumping.

Here is the surprise. If you recognize this
as YOUR dear Granny, please send me an e-mail with
your address, because, although it was somewhere in
this house at one time, it has gone into hiding . . .


Anonymous said...

Are you the greatest in the world or what!! You know my slow dial up I'm reading and waiting for the pictures thinking "be my Granny be my Granny" and it is!! I'm so excited I just drug my husband in here to look at it too!!

So funny you've been on my mind-you know how I've totally flipped over your collages-well I finally made one with an angel. I keep looking at it and thinking I like it, but is it good? And I've been thinking of sending you a picture of it. So I think it's very neat that we've been thinking of each other miles away never dreaming the other was doing it too.

Thank you!!!

Jana Nielson said...

I think instead of "unusual" should be called "The Most totally awesomeness" !

trisha too said...

This makes it official--tipper and Lola are two of my most favorite imaginary friends EVER!!
