Our niece requested a custom made car seat cover
for her new baby.
"No problem," I said.
Well, it really wasn't a problem, but it sure took
a lot longer than I thought it would!! The first
one is the practice cover, made with repurposed fabrics:

Kind of a fun vintage 70's print. It turned out
okay; the car seat strap holes don't look quite
as nice as I'd like, but I gotta say, the canopy
made me feel victorious.
Here's the custom made cover; the new mommy chose
the fabrics (the flower is removable):

This was the first time I'd worked with minky,
which, as the name suggests, is incredibly soft.
I kind of want some minky undies . . .
Lola, every time I put a pin in my mouth, I
thought of you!!)
Here she is, modeling her new car seat
cover, on her first outing: