It's such a welcome change when everything starts
blooming again! The "usuals" are in various stages--
some are just coming on, like the crabapple and lilac,
and some are on their way out, like the Bradford pears.
The girl child took photos for us:
grape hyacinth

redbud tree

violets (you can eat the flowers)

(my imaginary friend
Tipper has a recipe for violet
jelly--look for the linky in the sidebar of her
lilacs (these smell so good!)

crabapple (the fruit will end up jelly)

These we'd never noticed before. Maybe it was their
first time coming up in this spot, I don't know, but
they're a wildflower, about 3 inches tall:

Aren't they curious looking? They're called Indian
Tobacco, which isn't a very pretty name, or pussytoes,
because they're kind of furry looking, like kitty feet.
They supposedly have some medicinal uses, are an
indication of acidic soil, and, if you are so inclined,
you can dry it and smoke it in a pipe.
(I am NOT so inclined, thank you!)
Is anything beautiful blooming where you live?