I DID photograph it myself (as in, with one hand),
which explains the incredibly fine and well-focused
pictorial you will find here.
There are about a jillion paper flower tutorials, but
people keep asking me about the ones I made HERE.
There is probably a similar tutorial (with much better
photographs, no doubt!) somewhere, but the one I
originally read had the paper twisted, so here is how
I made mine--it is delightfully simple!
1. What you need:

Some water, a strip of paper (a nice medium weight
gives good results), some nice gooey glue like Super
Tacky or Tombow, and a scrap of paper.

Wet your strip of paper, shaking off excess water.

Fold the moistened paper in half lengthwise.

Fold one corner down in a triangle.

Begin rolling and squishing your paper flower

There, all flowery!

Now glue the backside, and---

--stick on that bit of scrap paper to keep
your blossom together.

Wasn't that fast? AND easy??
But don't stop there--frost your flower with
a little paint, some glitter glaze, Glimmer
Mist, Shimmerz--whatever makes you happy!