In our yard lurks a huge stand of wild blackberries.
We planted them at least seven years ago, tiny scraggly
stems, and now they intend to overtake the entire backyard.
It takes some doing to keep them in line, but at least they
do give us berries.
GIVE is NOT the correct word. They produce berries.
They taunt us with berries. But there is nothing giving
about wild blackberries. It's as if they thrive on human
flesh, luring in victims with the promise of sweet, plump fruits.
Over the years, I have developed my own blackberry gathering
techniques, most of which involve sending out children to
do the picking . . .
By the way, Jam Time is full on. Peach and Peach/Black
Raspberry are finished as of yesterday. Blackberry is
next, followed by Jelly Time. Oh, the crabapple trees
around our shop are full and beauteous! We only need a
couple more pounds. You might say jam and jelly making
is another summer addiction.
We also made peach roll-ups in the dehydrator.
Want the recipe?
Peel and pit peaches (you DO know the plunging them
in boiling water prior to peeling trick, right?)
Plop in blender and liquefy.
Dehydrate. Peel off dehydrator shelf thing, then roll up
in plastic wrap or wax paper, or store in a container.
The end.
How easy is that? And SO good. But even better with
TOMATOES! Same recipe, but instead of peach roll-ups,
you end up with "Sun-Dried" Tomatoes. We eat them like
fruit roll-ups, and use them in recipes.
Summer is delicious.