ds#1: Can I have
the giant chalkboard out of the basement to
do math problems on?
me: Yep. Go get it, it's yours.
ds#2 Oh, that's REAL nice. All we need around here
now is a couple of pocket protectors.
ds#1: I could totally use a couple of pocket protectors!

me: Oh my gosh,
has my nose always been this big??
dd: Pretty much.
ds#2: Yeah, mom, you've got a pretty big schnozz.
me: Well. It's a good thing I didn't realize this in
junior high. It might have made me insecure. Can
I tell people I broke it in a bar fight?
ds#2 Have you ever been in a bar fight?
me: I can neither confirm nor deny my participation
in any bar fights at this time.
ds#2: That's what I thought . . .

caller: I have this
baseball card from 1967 signed
by Babe Ruth. Is that something you all
would be interested in buying?
me: Umm, no, no thank you.
Babe Ruth actually died in 1948--you do the math.
You won't even need a giant chalkboard!