So I joined an altered book club, and it's been great for making me
go make something. I mean really, if you've committed to having
someone else's pages done, it would be pretty bad to just show up
and say, "Oops, sorry! Didn't bother to even open your book . . ."
So here's my latest artistic endeavor. The theme is supposed to be
"Home or Insanity." So of course, I switch it around--not on purpose,
I just glued the dictionary pages on the wrong sides! So the insanity
side features a vellum pocket sewn on, tags bearing proverbs stapled
with red rick-rack, and some crazy looking broads. Two have literally
lost their heads. The "Home" side is supposed to appear more peaceful,
and has a door to open, revealing a collage in the style of Claudine
Hellmuth. Yep, been reading her books, couldn't help myself!
Remember, you choose . . .