I like making stuff (quilts, soap, candles, collage,
paintings, scrapbooks, ATCs, altered items, weavings).
Therefore, I have a lot of stuff. We homeschool.
Therefore, we have a lot MORE stuff.
We also have our own small business, have had for the
last 20 (wow, we're getting old!) years, dealing with
sports cards, memorabilia, and vintage toys such as GI
Joes, Hot Wheels, Marx, and Star Wars. You guessed
it, more stuff!
How some of the shop stuff recently found its way home with the school and art stuff is unclear, but our living room looks like ebay EXPLODED!! There are boxes and bins of Hot Wheels and GI Joes (some in desperate need of Rogain) and stacks of books and we're in a school co-op and I'm teaching hands-on history, so there's drop spindles and wool and candle making stuff and quill pens. If you try to read that out loud, without taking a breath, you will get an idea of how I feel whenever I walk through the room! Stand up and spin around about 25 times, just to get the appropriate dizzy feeling, too.
That said, a friend invited me to join her for a needle felting class on Monday night, and I am so happy! First, that she asked me, and second, because I don't know how to needle felt. I pretty much want to know how to do everything. A true dilletante. Sigh. No, some things, I'm actually not-so-bad at. And I hate to admit it, but third, it was fun hunting and gathering all the stuff
for the class! Ugghhh! I need help!
Anyway, thanks, Kris! I'm so glad we met, and I love hanging out with you.
Since I don't have a buncha pictures to post, here's one of an altered compostition book made for a swap--it was a delight to make, since it took some of just about every art supply imaginable. (Okay, you're right, no clay . . .)